Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time- August 15, 2021- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


For technical reasons there is no post available for this Sunday. We provide this quote from Pope Francis, related in this month’s edition of Magnificat (

And may you all find encouragement in these words from our Holy Father, Pope Francis: The Assumption, he said,

is a call to each of us, especially those who are afflicted by doubt and sadness, and live with their gaze turned down, unable to raise their glance. Let us look up. On the threshold of heaven, a mother—our mother—is awaiting us. She loves us, she smiles at us, and she thoughtfully assists us. Like every mother she wants the best for her children and she says to us: “You are precious in God’s eyes; you were not made for the small satisfactions of the world, but rather for the great joy of heaven.

Let us allow Our Lady to take us by the hand. Each time that we hold the Rosary in our hands and pray to her, we are taking a step forward, towards the great destination of life. May the Holy Virgin, Gate of Heaven, help us daily to trustfully and joyfully look to where our true home is, where she is awaiting us like a mother.
